People often say that parenting is the most challenging job in the world. And they have a point. It may not be the most demanding physically, but mentally it can be overwhelming sometimes. And that’s because this job carries a huge responsibility. By starting a family, you are bringing life into the world and trying to learn it to adapt, survive and thrive.
New parents have many questions, and usually, you don’t know everything right away. Most parents will tell you that they were learning as they went and had a lot of help. Families and friends who are parents already usually help the most.
What age should a child have their own room?
So, we also decided to help a little and answer a question many parents ask: At What Age Should a Child Have Their Own Room?
Every child is different
Before we explore this topic more deeply, one crucial thing must be said. And that is that every child is different. What works for your child may not work for someone else and vice versa. Children have different characters, needs, and wants. Many people, who have more than one child, said their kids expressed a desire for their own rooms at different ages.
You must know this so you don’t get confused. Parents too often compare their children to others, complicating the situation.
Don’t panic
New parents usually feel a lot of pressure to do everything perfectly right away- They feel like they have to do everything by the book. If a parenting book sets a certain age when children should sleep in their own room, and their kids don’t do that by that age, they feel like failures. But this is a completely wrong approach.
There isn’t one set age for this, and you shouldn’t stress over it. As we said, every child is different, and you shouldn’t force anything on them. What you should do, as a parent, is to be supportive and encouraging of your kids as they grow up.
When should a child have their own room will depend on their maturity level.
A child getting their room shouldn’t be only your decision. Listening to what your child says is an essential part of parenting. Listening to your child’s wishes will help you determine the right time for them to have their own room.

If they say they don’t think it’s time yet to have their room, giving them a little more time is better. The chances are they will come to you when they are finally ready. And when they do, you can spend quality time together thinking of ways to decorate their bedroom. Another reason why it’s essential to listen to your child’s opinion is it shows them that you respect and value their opinion. That is beneficial for children’s self-esteem.
They need to know their parents listen to them and see them as an equal. It’s much better when you make these decisions together instead of you forcing your decision on your child.
Sibling relationships
Figuring out when a child should have their room will also depend on their relationship with their sibling. As is often the case, siblings will not want to share a room anymore at some point, especially when there is a significant age difference or a mixed room of brothers and sisters.
Teenagers will not want to share their space with their 7-year-old brother or sister, and they shouldn’t. But when your kids are of similar ages, or they are twins, that’s when the situation gets a bit more complicated. In this case, all will depend on how well they get along.
Sometimes, siblings will express a need for privacy, and you should respect that. That usually happens around the time your kids start high school. But in some cases, siblings will get along incredibly well and will not want to have separate rooms, which is also acceptable.
Maturity level
As we said previously, every child is different and matures at a different pace. That is especially true when a child has spent a lot of time sleeping in their parent’s bedroom.
That usually starts because parents want to keep an eye on their young children until they get bigger. But sometimes, it can be difficult for a child to transition from sleeping with parents to sleeping alone. That is extremely common. A lot of parents struggle with this.
According to experts, a child should stop sleeping in their parent’s room by age 4 or 5 at the latest. If this time comes, but your kid is feeling stressed about this change, take it slow. You don’t have to rush. Let your kid try and sleep once a week in their room. But leave the door open so the child knows it can always come back into your room if it gets scared. After a while, your child will sleep independently with no problems whatsoever.
When you can afford it
Sometimes the answer to the question “At what age should a child have their own room?” is quite simple. The right time is when you can afford it. Not everybody has the privilege of giving their kids separate bedrooms right away.
But this shouldn’t stress you out. Often, people live in small apartments, and kids end up sharing a room with their siblings for a long time. It can be a little uncomfortable sometimes, but it’s not the end of the world. But if you ever get a chance to upsize and give your kids their rooms, make it special.
For example, decorating kids’ rooms after the move is an excellent opportunity for children to make the space their own. It will make the occasion exciting and memorable. Your kids will feel more independent and responsible for their room.
Ask professionals
But if you are still not sure what the right thing to do is in this situation, you should consult with professionals. Some parents find it calming to talk to child development experts because they trust their opinion the most.
They will be able to thoroughly explain everything to you and answer any questions. That has become a common practice lately and is a good thing. It shows parents are involved in their children’s lives and want to do their best.
Overall answer
As you can see, many factors are at play when answering this question: your children’s maturity, their relationship with their siblings, and even your financial ability. But overall, experts say that an average child should be out of their parents’ bedroom before they turn five and should stop sharing a room with a sibling before they turn 10. Slight deviations from these numbers are completely fine as well.
Experts recommend this because having their own room teaches kids to be more independent and responsible. And there is also the issue of privacy.
In conclusion
You must consider many things when deciding whether a child should have their own room because people have different familial situations and relationships. And as we said earlier, not all children are the same. But not all parents are the same either.
People have different approaches to parenting, and that is fine. The most important thing is to always keep your children’s interests first. So talk to your kids, and find out what they think and want. For example, before moving into a new home, ask them if they would like to have separate bedrooms, don’t just assume they would. That way, you will be making this decision together, which is the best way to do it.